We have quite a stock of antique TVs.From the 1950s up selling as is this is just a taste prices range from $125.00 - $1000.00  depending how rare the set is.Also a working VCR with working 14" TV.the set together for only $125.00 see below.Delivery is always available for a fee in a 200 KLM Range.

Above is a very rare 1954 Metropolitan Television needs complete Restoration Cabinet and Chasis to run one more show $400.00 Can deliver for a fee in 200 kLM Range.

The above are the first of the Admiral Portable TVs and are very rare 1955 your choice $500.00 Each selling as is Delivery for a fee.

The above is a real nice clean VCR one in picture sold have another to put with it with a good working 14" TV Playing The Lucy Show for only a $125.00 for the TV Set. with separate VCR a real deal. We have a lot of the great old shows on VHS such as Red Skeleton,Beverly Hillbillies,Bob Hope The 3 Stooges and many more for sale.They are all gone but are in our hearts and memory forever. We are only a call away.

 This 5" Pulser Colour TV runs on AC or battery works great has nice picture for the size with Monitor,UHF& VHF hookup Model  # 45-2005-2 Made in Korea for Canadian Tire with ear Phone jack hookup on back for DVD player $125.00

We have in stock other floor and table model TVs dating back to the early 1948- 1980s selling as is and over 30,000 tubes & over 350 speakers.If you are restoring a Vintage Television we may be able to help you out .We also have Quite an assortment of vintage knobs for TVs remember we are always only a call away 519-357-4304 Shipping is always available for a fee.                                                     email  oldetymeradiocentre@gmail.com or snail mail  9 Queen Street Box # 1 Belgrave Ontario NOG1E0

The above is a very very Rare 1948 Stromberg- Carlson Round Picture Tube Early TV Set Needs Total Restoration to work.Comes with New Picture Tube in Box.Set is complete with wooden stand from factory back cover and all.No Cracks in the Bakelite Cabinet to look like wood $800.00 Own A very Rare Piece from the Past.

The TV Set Above is a very Rare 1950s Admiral Table Model Bakelite Cabinet with Rare Am Radio Receiver on bottom.We have two sets like this one your Choice.One needs a Knob but are complete and we have many knobs that would fit the period $400.00 Each your choice and they are yours.

This is a 1980s  Electrohome Blue Tube swivel base floor model selling as is for $150.00.

 These are the last of the floor model televisions of the 1990s. Both have the oak wood trim.The top one is Zenith the bottom one is Electrohome out of Kitchener Ontario notice the Blue Picture tube the picture would still stand out today.Both need repair But are all complete.Selling as is for $150.00 each your choice.

Do not forget to click on the heading "This And That" at top of page many neat Antiques For sale.Thank you for viewing our rare site.

Remember we may have that rare tube you need to restore your old television we are only a call away 519-357-4304 Email oldetymeradiocentre@gmail.com.

  To your Left is our old Faithful 1990s Sony 20"  Colour TV in fine working order Beautiful Colour Picture was my Mothers she bought it new has been well taken care of we have had it for a few years.Great to play VCR or DVD through or for a movie set or live Theater  Comes with His And Her Remotes $150.00 takes it home. Could Deliver For A Fee.


Remember Delivery is always available for a fee in a 200 KLM. range you may even get it delivered in one of our fine restored Vintage Autos.If a weather friendly day.We are always only a call or email away oldetymeradiocentre@gmail.com or call 519-357-4304. 

Wow 37 years and still going strong just a little slower 1988 - 2025 Thank You Lord Jesus For The Health and strength to do so.