We have many items not related to radios but from that golden age that is alive and well in Belgrave Ontario.Please call 519-357-4304 or email us at  oldetymeradiocentre@gmail.com with your needs and wants. We may have what you have been looking for A Long Time.

 The Antique Rocker above is from the late 1800s has the original leather seat for a nursing Mother.The wood is 1/4 cut Oak.Has had a Total Restoration by our shop priced at  $700.00.Have the same rocker not restored for $300.00 needs leather inlay but is very solid.

 The above is a 1940s wicker chair the wicker had already been replaced, but our shop did a complete strip and refinish chair is well made and very solid well worth the price of $125.00.

Antique Cubbard out of 1940s solid needs painted or refinished 26" high with legs 20" high without 12" wide & 17" deep $65.00 picked up or could deliver for a fee.

 The above Parlour Chair from the 1800s is Mahogany wood very rare has had a complete Restoration by our shop priced at $500.00 + HST.

This one person or two children piano or organ bench is solid walnut four legs will unscrew for easy transport or storage has storage under seat.$65.00


 These Antique Chairs all need restoration but are very solid $25.00 each some have beautiful birds eye maple.The rocker is a fold up rocker out of the turn of the century priced to sell $100.00.

We have a building 25 X 30  with a full upstairs.We may have that piece you have been looking to buy for years.we are only a call away 519-357-4304.

We have many other types of articles not shown.For a great selection of Antiques click on the Heading " This And That". Please call with your needs we just might be able to help.Or direct you to a source we are here to help give us a call.Any of the above items can be delivered for a fee depending on distance. (519)-357-4304.Or email us at     oldetymeradiocentre@gmail.com   or snail mail us at The Olde Tyme Radio Centre 9 Queen Street Box # 1  Belgrave Ontario N0G 1E0 .WOW 37 years 1988 -2025 and still going strong just a little slower. Thank you Lord Jesus for My Health and strength to keep on going. Thank You For Viewing.